Power must be handled by those who are prepared for it. Prepared to carry the weight of responsibility and consequences, prepared for the politics, prepared for the flattery and perception management. All the while, keeping a cool head and honest counsel, inspiring the respect and loyalty of others, and leading with decisions and actions that protect and build the organization.

Our Executive Development Programs grow executive strengths and unlock career advancement. Our executive development programs are for senior leaders and their prospective successors. Expect executive development that is practical, strategic, and built for real-world power and influence.

Failure to prepare a strong leadership pipeline undermines growth plans and shareholder confidence. Common signs are delays to role handovers, doubts about successor readiness, delayed plans for senior executives to step back or retire, departures of top performers, and high burnout in top management roles.

Under-development of the right leadership capabilities results in internal and external crises, impacting reputation, confidence and trust in your organization. Common signs are PR crisis, stalling share price, delay or failure of critical projects, and corporate actions that don't track to stated values and priorities.

Provide your executive with a personalized program to elevate leadership impact and advance career goals. Includes individual assessment and executive coaching, tailored content and highly-personalized action plans.

Create a custom program for a selection of executive leaders to elevate their business-critical leadership skillsets. Includes individual assessment and coaching, masterclasses, and case-study based seminars.

Raise the bar on executive strengths and engagement across a large group of leaders. Includes individual assessment, executive coaching, masterclasses, capability-building immersives, pesonalized networking opportunities, and more. Aggregated cohort insights to inform executive experience and performance and custom-content tools for HR.

Introduce your leadership to the next level in executive strengths at your organization. Expect an interactive, highly-engaging session that changes leaders' perspective, motivates them to invest in new skillsets, and bolsters existing initiatives toward business growth.

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Evolution not Education
Our programs tackle current and emerging topics that impact global executive leadership. Topics are deconstructed into the knowledge, skills and "operating system" leaders require to capitalize on them. Using our expertise in psychology and behavior change - and specialism in the corporate context - we proactively assist executives in building the mindset, approaches, and habits to drive transformation and growth at their organization. Research-based, practical frameworks are provided in Masterclasses and Seminars. Executives receive 1:1 follow-up after group formats to customize personalized strategies.

Deep Expertise in Executive Capabilities
We specialize in benchmarking, assessing, and building the non-technical capabilities required for maximum effectiveness in executive leadership at large organizations. We deliver unparalleled results through our powerful assessment, stakeholder engagement, career management expertise, and skill in developing transformational leadership capabilities.

Guaranteed Results
Executive development programs do not offer money-back guarantees because they cannot guarantee results. We can. We deliver an action-oriented curriculum to track success against leadership goals. Hyper-personalized strategies ensure executives effectively navigate the context and situation they face. Holistic, integrated programming caters to different learning and development preferences, with the option to blend in-person and remote components and to customize content to different regional and functional focuses.

Self-Benchmarking for Executives
Clear insight for individual leaders on how they benchmark against internal leadership populations, the ogrnaization's Leadership Capability Model and culture, and global leadership generally. Understanding of comparative strengths and opportunities informs better investment of development effort, and more powerful strategies to drive executive impact and career advancement.

Global, External Perspective
After a decade, countless projects, and thousands of honest conversations with executive leaders across the globe, we’ve learned to see what’s coming before it arrives. We know the trends, and more importantly, we know the kind of leadership strengths it takes to turn them into opportunities. We identify the right strategy fast, helping executives sharpen their strengths and bring stakeholders to the table - from the frontline to the C-Suite, from one nation to the next.

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featured case study

Multi-year global leadership program for fortune500

The Fortune500 consumer packaged goods company wanted to launch its own women's leadership program. The company was dedicated to equality of opportunity but had a comparatively low number of women in senior leadership positions. Management faced increasing scrutiny about its commitment to gender equality. Seeing a potential crisis on the horizon, management made investment in women leadership a key priority.

"I was inspired by the deep self-awareness, the coaching and networking, and most of all by the supportive community of women this program established."


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Insider views

Psychological safety isn't about "unsafe" leaders

Four common myths threaten psychological safety (PS) programs. We tackle the myth that PS is only leaders' responsibility.

A career information gap impacts women’s leadership advancement

Informational asymmetry acts as a career dampener for all high-flyers. But for women, its impact is multiplied by any unconscious biases or systemic challenges they face.

Stuck in the past: how dominant-group culture curbs organizational performance

Organizational culture can evolve into a description of the values and beliefs of its dominant demographic group. Unchecked, this means that culture isn't optimized to support company ambitions.

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Reach out to discover how we craft and deliver executive development programs designed to drive meaningful transformation and lasting impact.

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